Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Now What?

Well, I have completed the next step in my training-- namely, to research RSS feeds and create one of my own. This, I feel, I did with moderate thoroughness and a surprising amount of success (meaning moderate success). It was actually fun to go around clicking "Subscribe" to everything, knowing that I'm not going to get a huge bill a month from now. Anyway, I got my minimum number of feeds and I can check that off the list.

But now what?

Well, I guess now I have to go to my Google Reader account to get the compilation of feeds. That's awesome, except I'm not in the habit of doing so, and therefore I haven't yet remembered to make use of it. Of course, it's been more difficult than usual to remember the last two weeks... because for that time my home internet has been down and my only contact with cyberspace has been in miniature frenzied sessions on whatever computer I can find, therefore making my short forays the equivalent of runs for medical supplies: essentials only.
But I digress.

Anyway, this does seem to be a good tool. I can pick and choose which sources I like for my information, and this program will automatically combine new updates from those places on one neat site for my convenience. If I do get in the habit of using it, I think it would be very efficient (more so if I used it for work). The only downside I actually saw was that the site's navigation wasn't intuitively obvious. The only function-related problem I can imagine, not having yet had extensive experience, is that RSS feeds might only prove useful if I'm looking for brand new stories, rather than archived ones. Other than that, thumbs up!

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