Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Generating Blogs

I have discovered two things: first, that it's incredibly easy to create customized pictures with text. I have millions of options online to write my own words over pictures, mine or someone else's, and create sentimental or funny mementos.

The second thing I discovered is that I don't know what to write for these things. I have dreams of coming up with something so witty and clever people will see it and think, "Wow, I wish I could do that." But really what happens is that I look at other people's ideas and think, "Wow, I wish I could do that." However, I think at any rate I will have a lot of fun messing around on these sites, regardless of my dubious talent to use them.

To salve my wounded pride, I also took the opportunity to look at some map generators which show all the places I've been in the world. Considering that I'm still pretty young, it was satisfying to see so many places highlighted in red. (For those who are curious, I've included these images below.)

All the programs I tested seem like fun ways to jazz up my cyberspace interactions. They could be a cute way to let someone know I care, a personalized invitation or card, or just a funny moment to file away in memory. And at least for that, if nothing else, they are made worthwhile.

Visited Countries
My Visited Countries>

Get your own Visited Countries Map from Travel Blog

Get your own Visited US States Map from Travel Blog

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