Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Google Labs

I have a new fascination.

I think that I will now devote my free time to exploring all the different Google Labs out there. I particularly liked the one where we can create our own web page- very simple, very easy... it doesn't have as much flexibility as other programs, but seeing as the target audience is probably the technologically challenged (me) or those who just have a simple paper they want out there, it's ideal. I actually played around with one, and I've included the link below:


(Just be warned- I did slip onto my soap box briefly at the end. It shouldn't be too onerous, but..)

I also had fun looking at the pictures of Mars, although that one seemed to be a bit of a dead end. Or at least, I didn't find any other links.

Again, this may be my own level of competence (or lack thereof) at work, but when I tried to do the search with extra information, I didn't really see any difference. Maybe I'll go back for another look when I'm less sleep deprived and check whether I missed some crucial step...

Still, I really liked the web page function, and may use that as a medium to get some ideas "peer reviewed" without paying for postage or the headache of individual addresses.

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