Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Online Application Tools...

This could theoretically be the answer to every college student's frantic prayer (which is ironically often interspersed with creative swearing), the one where a paper is due in 2 minutes and the jump drive with the paper on it won't read on a school computer. (And since you're probably wondering, yes, this has happened to me.) As much as I love being able to access my information, though, I'm not entirely sure how this method is superior to email. Perhaps I have just not done enough research yet, but it seems that it would take about the same amount of time to open an attachment, and it will all be in the same format anyway.

However, I can also envision many other scenarios in which I would benefit from various online application tools. One is the feature on creating documents that allows several people to work on a document at once. If anyone reading this has not had the dubious pleasure of coordinating 5 schedules to find a time for working on a group project (and of course with all 5 people being full time students with outside jobs)... this might make group research and writing much easier as a process, and therefore might save my sanity.

Granted, most of the applications I find useful are due to my status as a student. I rather doubt they would be such a distinguished asset in all the other fields out there. I can think of several scenarios in which people physically located far apart must collaborate on a project, but many more others in which the pertinent people are all located in the same work building or where the project, being of a sensitive or complicated nature, requires face-to-face communication.

Ah well. It was fun, anyway.

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