Monday, May 19, 2008

At the End of All Things

I find myself becoming maudlin here at the end of the Library 2.0 program... [sniff]...

But hey, life moves on. It was fun while it lasted, and I learned some great stuff! Some of it is more applicable to my personal life, and some I can see being more useful in a library setting, but I'm glad I know about the options. In particular, I found the lessons on the different Google applications useful, and the Flickr/MySpace lessons interesting from a social point of view (that's what comes of having a degree in psychology), but the lessons on YouTube and TravelBlog were downright amusing.

If I could have changed or added anything, I would have liked to learn more about how libraries might network information. Some of that was implied in the lessons (podcasts, blogs, myspace), but sometimes it's also nice to have things spelled out in a comprehensive lesson. To have one which just looks at ways in which institutions can mix and match their areas of expertise would be particularly relevant and useful. But other than that, two thumbs way up for the program!

Sarcasm (Un)Lmtd.

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