Tuesday, May 13, 2008

MeTube, YouTube, WhoseTube?

Part of this week's exercise was to explore YouTube. Well, I'm afraid I've already done that... extensively. Often using time I didn't have. But there's so much to see and learn about! If you can spell it (and often even if you can't) you can find a video about it. What I like about videos on YouTube is the immediacy of the experience, because it's so much more compelling and interesting to view a film clip than to just read about it or see a photo.

If I were to apply the concept of YouTube to libraries (which would make sense because working at a library started this whole journey), I can see many ways in which this could be useful. We could do video accounts of our programs, "teaser trailers" for upcoming programs (takes advertising to a whole new level), and create a video tour of the library for people who live too far away to visit.

Now for myself, I mostly use YouTube to watch funny or videos I find interesting . I suppose I could have gone in a scholarly direction with the video I chose to share, but this one captured my fancy so completely I had to make this my choice. Enjoy!

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