Tuesday, February 26, 2008

And Ode to Flickr

I have to admit, I was a bit leery of any site that shares photos. I was thinking of it as a sort of extended MySpace for very visual people. Seeing as I'm still not that enthusiastic about MySpace, I wasn't expecting great things from Flickr.

But wow! I think I'm actually a convert! For one thing, it's actually a great site if I'm specifically looking for photos. I tried it out by typing in all sorts of esoteric search terms, and there were tons of hits. Perhaps not as many as I might get from Google, but they generally had closer relevance to my topic than Google results. The other thing, as people who have read my other posts will have figured out, is that I'm big on organization. And this site has it- I can put in my own tags on pictures, I can put tags on a map to show where they were taken, I can organize them by subject and then with subgroups... okay, enough salivating.

I think the only reason I didn't sign up for an account on the spot is that I don't have a lot of pictures. But since I'm working on fixing my camera, perhaps I'll remedy that situation and create my own little Flickr page!

Just for entertainment purposes, I'm including the link to a picture I found particularly great. It will give you an idea of what I consider important in life. Enjoy!


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