Friday, February 22, 2008

I though "Technorati" was a medical condition...

Well, you learn something every day. So not only have I learned that "Technorati" is really a site on the web which searches blogs, but I have learned that I'm having trouble wrapping my head around it.

I suppose it's rather like a youtube for blogs, but it seems to almost defeat the purpose to require special tagging/registration before Technorati can find a blog. In my experience, most people who tag their blogs are very motivated to spread some sort of message or viewpoint. So, the main hits off this site will likely be collections of blogs from extremists and activists. My personal attempts at searches tended to bring up political blogs (always identified as either very liberal or very conservative), plus a few that just seemed to have extreme opinions on everything.

Honestly, Google worked about as well, and the results were much more diverse.

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