Friday, February 22, 2008


First of all, my random brain has to take a moment and wonder what was going through their heads when they named a search-related site "". [Pause.]

Okay, that's done. Moving on...

I'm actually not convinced that is a particularly useful site. Perhaps this just stems from it not being particularly relevant to my life- if I needed to access a certain genre of sites a great deal for work or school, I suppose I can see that it would be very useful. And I do like that I can tag something and then access that tag from any computer with intertnet access. Not being able to do that has, on a few past occasions, been an annoyance.

There are some downsides, though: first, the slightest spelling error invalidates the search. So if I'm trying to look up a subject I don't know how to spell, perhaps because I'm new to it or because it's rather esoteric, this would not be a tool of choice. Also, the searches are relatively narrow. If I type in "Salt Lake City", it only gives me those documents that have been tagged with that complete phrase, or those with the complete phrase in the title. It does not pick up on partial phrases or hits in the body of the text.

However, I'll acknowledge that my assessment comes from a relatively quick and superficial examination. Maybe if I use it regularly for a while, I fill become more charitable, especially as I learn how to use it more efficiently.

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