Monday, February 25, 2008

Library Thing... how descriptive.

I got started on my Library Thing catalogue, and I have to say that I like it. I'm always a fan when I get to share my favorite books and write my own reviews (i.e. I can stand on my soap boxes for a captive audience).

However, the format of the site somtimes confused me. For example, there should have been a way for me to create a "favorite authors" list, which I was somehow supposed to do through the "author's page". Sounds simple enough, except I couldn't find the "author's page". If it's there, it's not glaringly obvious. And I really need obvious.

In favor of Library Thing is the customizability of the cataloge. I have an account with Shelfari, and there I have far fewer options for organizing my titles. I also like how I can tag my books in addition to writing a review (although I usually just do the review, and to be perverse I put it in the "tags" box).

So that's been my experience with LibraryThing so far. I think it would make a great tool for libraries, mostly because it lets people express why they liked to didn't like something. Not only does that make people feel important (referring back to the soap box comment), but it gives the people who haven't read a particular book some clues as to whether they might like it, too.

By the way- for all interested parties, here's the link to my LibraryThing page:

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